Sunday, December 30, 2012


"mbak ayo kapan balikkkk hehe"
"balik kemana ? Rumahnya kan disini :-)"
"ya ke malanggg kan ada rumah di malang"
"iya kapan2 yaa"

Ah you,you made my day. :-)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Letters From Juliet

"Dear Claire,
What and if are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together, side by side, and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. What if ? What if ? What if ? I don't know how your story ended, but if what you felt then was true love, then it's never too late. If it was true then, why wouldn't it be true now? You need only the courage to follow your heart. I don't know what a love like Juliet's feels like, a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for. But I'd like to believe, if I ever were to feel it, that I'd have the courage to seize it.

And Claire, if you didn't, I hope one day that you will

All my love,


Quoted from the best romantic movie ever, Letters to Juliet.

Sunday, December 23, 2012



I've been feeling not so well lately. "why these people are so annoying" "I hate that" "I hate her" "I hate this" "I don't deserve this" and many more negative thinkings has been going through my mind lately,I don't even know why.Then one day I was sitting in my room all alone,daydreaming about life and thinking "God,I've been a bad person lately. I've let my mood controls me. I'm too focused on the bad side until I can't be grateful to You for blessings that you gave"

That's right,I think for me,focus is one of the most important thing to control if we want to keep happy and positive. If we can control what we focused on,we automatically control our feelings,moods and emotions too.
Here's what I've been focused on lately :
1.why my friends didn't ask me to go anywhere this holiday
2.why my friends is too busy with their other friends so they forgot about me
3.why am I getting bad grades
4.why can't I do math as good as my friends
5.why can't I go to Paris for my holiday
6.why people are so annoying lately
7.why these TV shows are so boring
8.why there are no more Taylor Swift's new song
9.why can't I have a great singing voice

and many more,the list is getting longer that's so scary for me. The point is,I've been too focused on these bad things instead of :
1.I can always ask my friends to hang out,it's holiday !
2.I can always contact my friends via socmed
3.I can always study,I'm so grateful I got a second-chance
4.STUDY !!! HARD !!
5.there are many exciting place near my hometown I've never visited before,as exciting as Paris ! comments,it's just my moody alter-ego being selfish grateful,I have TV cables while there are so many others that don't
8.I've got plenty of great songs already..
9.I can always learn how to sing well :)

see ? if we focused on the positive things that happened to our life,we will always be grateful. And I'm 130% sure you will be happier if you keep focused on these positive things.
here's a song to cheer up the mood :

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Best Day

I'm five years old
It's getting cold
I've got my big coat on

I hear your laugh
And look up smiling at you
I run and run

Past the pumpkin patch
And the tractor rides
Look now -- the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep
On the way home

I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day
With you today

I'm thirteen now
And don't know how my friends
Could be so mean

I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys

And we drive and drive
Until we've found a town
Far enough away

And we talk and window-shop
Until I've forgotten all their names

I don't know who I'm gonna talk to
Now at school
I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day
With you today

I have an excellent father
His strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother
Inside and out
He's better than I am

I grew up in a pretty house
And I had space to run
And I had the best days with you

There is a video
I found from back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen
And you're talking to me

It's the age of princesses and pirate ships
And the seven dwarfs
Daddy's smart
And you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

Now I know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side
Even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
Staying back and watching me shine

And I didn't know if you knew
So I'm taking this chance to say
That I had the best day
With you today
Happy Mother's day :)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012


three things that make me happy tonight :-)

1.this photo looked so good.

2.I've been obsessed with the song "Come Back,Be Here" although I think the lyric should be "this is not fair,that you're not there" but still,it's soooo goodd I've listened to it for about 987278392754928398279 times and didn't get bored.

3.this is a very cute photo of Kenci 

good night !!!! xx

Sunday, December 16, 2012


when you're fifteen,somebody tells you they love you. you gotta believe them
when you're fifteen,feeling like there's nothing to figure out
when you're fifteen,don't forget to look before you fall

first day of being fifteen !!! I'm so happy but also so sad. It means that I've passed a year and I think I didn't do many great things at 14. And also I felt like 15 is sooooo old,older that it should be,older than it should look like. when you're fifteen,it feels like you go through the maturity door,so go take a deep breath before you enter it. when you're fifteen it feels like you know everything,but you are not. I'm so glad that I kept this fact in mind. you never know anything compared to what you will know someday.I hope fifteen would be another great year of my life. But I'm afraid because fifteen would be a huge change for me. (finally) going to highschool,leaving my junior high school,leaving my friends,my past. a whole new beginning. I will surely miss my friends a lot ! yes,we'll keep updated about each other but it won't be the same again. I will miss MTsN Malang I,all the teachers,the headmistress,even the boring lunch menu. even thinking about it makes me feel a little bit sad but NOOO today is my birthday ! I should feel happy about it ! I'm going to have a small party at 9 a.m so I better prepare. here's to cheer up my mood :
go laugh at this ugly edits of mine :D

Saturday, December 15, 2012


our job is finally done guys,we held the position handover ceremony for Paskibra Matsanewa. For the new organizer please keep your promise and make us proud !

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dog Days

Hola,december is the last month of the year. 2012 is going to end very soon. I've felt great joy and great pain this year. there are some highlights of this year,yet some downs that you might have read some in my previous posts. I don't know,writing it in a blog kinda makes everything feel so sensible. I feel like I can understand life more when it comes into paragraph. I can understand more when it comes to a chorus in a song, a paragraph in a diary blog, or maybe just a simple line in a conversation. I can never see the big picture of what is really going on.

Study tour was one of the best highlight of my 2012. the preparation,the study tour itself and also the memories. boy,I wish I could rewind that moments. And I can never forget how I got good grades on math,feels so wonderful, I wish I could rewind that moment. I can never forget how Taylor premiering her first single from Red in August. How crazy I was when I first hear We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. I can never forget what I'm feeling when I hold my copy of Red,or when my lithograph is on my mail box. I wish I could rewind that moment but I can't. Time won't let me.

Time,it's always time. Time forbid us to go back to those happy places. Time force us to move on,forget things,let them go. But memories forbid us to forget what we felt that day and memories also let us to somehow feel some part of the emotions that we felt that day,the day that time has took away.

I don't know why but I feel so many sadness this december. It's Taylor's birthday,it's also my birthday. I was supposed to be happy,yes. But things going on in my life and I feel like a hamster running inside of a ball (yes,that's a weird analogy). I try to help myself and people that I love around me as much as I could but I didn't go anywhere. I felt so tired running around trying to get things done,but I didn't go anywhere. I hate the fact that life goes on around me and people told me "It's none of your business,you should study hard and that's it" well I think that's fake. I think that's not how we should think about life. I think we really should realize that there are REAL problems that people have to face. There are real problems that are waiting for us. If we act like it doesn't exits,that just means we run from  the problem. And let me tell you as a person who has been going through A LOT of things like that : it won't solve your problem.

I've been so confused with what I'm going through right now. I've been forced to choose between two things that I love. I've been forced to face people with powers beyond me. I've been forced to raise my math grades (which is impossible) and I've been forced to do soooo many impossible things. I guess being positive is just so hard right now. It's not that I don't want to see the positive side. The truth is, there are no positive sides.

I can only ask Allah for more and more of His blessings. Bismillah....

Thursday, December 13, 2012

EEEP !!! - 3



Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

it's been a while,3-6 !!!

it's been a while since my last countdown post. I'm pretty busy with exams lately :/ but here I am ! 3 days to Taylor's birthday OMG it's so cloooseee !!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

D-I-Y : Doorsign

Hi ! So I've got some free time and I made this not-so-cool-but-I-like-it doorsign.

Here's what you need :
2.Papers with printed patterns

3.blank A4 paper

4.Lots and lots of die-cuts

5.decorations (basically,anything you like,could be photos,studs,etc)

6.this is the most important stuff : Rhinestones ! :)

You can buy all these stuff at Paperland,or any craft store near you :)

Steps :
1.Select a patterned paper,make sure it's your favorite one ! :)
2.Cut it into A4 size,you can use the blank paper as your guide
3.Make an image file containing what's your doorsign is going to be. I wrote "cool kids cannot enter this room" Make sure you measured the image size as big as an A4 paper
4.Print it on your patterned paper
5.Decorate your plain doorsign !

here's mine :)


Back To December

hi ! so it's finally December. Time flies so fast sometimes it scares me. But you know what's fun in December ? christmas ! I'm not celebrating it but the environment was sooo soothing :) You know what else is fun in December ? Taylor's birthday ! it's on 13th December,she will be 23 ! and alsoo......MY BIRTHDAY !!! Yippeee !!! it's on 16th December (yes,so close to Taylor's!!) that's the day where every wishes do come true,right ? :)
December means the end of the year,that means it's time for us to look back at 2012 and think about what we''ve done in this past year. Make a resolution ! there's no "too early" for resolution :)

my 2013 resolution :
1.Lose some weight
2.Study hard
3.Get eccepted on Public Senior Highschool 1
4.Be nice to everyone
5.See Taylor's concert
6.Gain some height
7.Lose some weight
8.Lose some weight
9.Lose some weight
10.Lose some weight

that's pretty much of it !

and also,listen to my covers here ?

Me !

Monday, November 26, 2012

Quote of The Day

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out ?"


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hi !

Hi ! it's been awhile since my last post. I wanna thank god for everything I got these past few weeks,or months. You know how I always tell stories about how....miserable I am, but I don't know, lately I've been feeling so happy, in a strange way. I'm not always laughing or what but I'm not feeling sad either, so I think we can categorize that as happy,eh ?Once again,thank you Allah for being soooooo merciful :)

Soooo for the first paragraph,here's the news : I wrote a song !!!!!! yay ! well of course I didn't write it by myself,I got a lottt of help from my best friends. But it ended up being a good song actually. You should listen to it on Soundcloud ! it's called Happy Broke Up, the inspiration was from my recent and one and only broke up ! I know I'm that pathetic, haha :D

and yesterday was Mary's 15th birthday ! well,actually it's today but we can't celebrate it today and we decided to celebrate it yesterday (yes,we're that weird) would you like to give her wishes to @maurasafina on twitter ?that would mean a lot for me and Mary ! We wanted to watch Breaking Dawn but the queue is crazy !!! It's the second day though,so that's pretty obvious. at the end,we go to this great karaoke place and sing like crazy ! we also sing We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together twice ! (yes,because this song is that good) we sing Happy Birthday for Mary although I think she didn't like it that much,haha ! but you only turned 15 once,isn't it ? ;)

I spent the rest of my saturday night going to this...well it's not that much of a restaurant but I can't think of any other word,so yes, it is a restaurant. The place is not so good,but the food is delicious and cheap ! I even ordered two plates of rice hehe

The tryouts have been started and I can't say that I've got a good score. But I hope a bad beginning comes to a beautiful ending you know. but.............MATH TRYOUTS ARE VERY HARD OMG I can't's like.....okay stop it. I already dedicated a paragraph for tryout stories and that's it.

There's this hot gossip around the...well it's not around the town, it has already spread around the world ! they said that Harry Styles from One Direction and Taylor Swift are together ! and Mario Lopez,the host from XFactor US said that he saw they're both holding hands. I think they'll make a good couple,who cares about what other people said ? people throw rocks and things that shines :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012


It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters
And make fun of our exes, uh uh uh uh
It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight
To fall in love with strangers uh uh uh uh
We’re happy free confused and lonely at the same time
It’s miserable and magical oh yeah
Tonight’s the night when we forget about the deadlines, it’s time uh uh

I don’t know about you but im feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don’t know about me but I bet you want to
Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we’re 22, 22

It seems like one of those nights
This place is too crowded too many cool kids
It seems like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene and end up dreaming instead of sleeping
We’re happy free confused and lonely in the best way
It’s miserable and magical oh yeah
Tonight’s the night when we forget about the heartbreaks, it’s time uh uh

I don’t know about you but im feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don’t know about me but I bet you want to
Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we’re 22, 22

I don’t know about you, 22, 22

It feels like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of those nights
We won’t be sleeping
It feels like one of those nights
You look like bad news I gotta have you, I gotta have you

I don’t know about you but im feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don’t know about me but I bet you want to
Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we’re 22, 22

Dancing like 22, yeah, 22, yeah yeah

It feels like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of those nights
We won’t be sleeping
It feels like one of those nights
You look like bad news I gotta have you, I gotta have you


Put your lips close to mine
As long as they don’t touch
Out of focus out of eye
Till the gravity is too much
And ill do anything you say
If you say it with your hands
And i’ll be smart to walk away but you’re quizzing
This love is Treacherous
This path reckless
This love is Treacherous
And I i I like it
I can’t decide if it’s a choice
Getting swept away
I hear the sound of my own voice
Asking you to stay
And all we are is skin and bone trained to get along
Forever going with the flow but you friction
This love is Treacherous
This path reckless
This love is Treacherous
I I i like it
Somwhere like sharp to the sleepless night
And I will get will get you alone
Your name has echoed through my mind
And I just think you should think you should know
Them not being safe is worth the driving I will follow you follow you home
I follow you follow you home
This hope is Treacherous
This day dream is dangerous
This hope is Treacherous
I I i , I i i, I i i
Somwhere like sharp to the sleepless night
And I will get will get you alone
Your name has echoed through my mind
And I just think you should think you should know
Them not being safe is worth the driving I will follow you follow you home
I follow you follow you home
I follow you follow you home
I follow you follow you home
This love is Treacherous
I I i like it

Friday, October 19, 2012


everyone have flaws,like,literally everyone. Even the best person got at least one flaw,maybe he's not good at math ?maybe she can't keep a secret ?maybe he's not good in sports ? have you ever getting tired of people who make fun of your jokes ?you just want to scream "I know that already !stop pointing it out !" sometimes these flaws got everyone thinking "OMG I won't have respect on him,he's blablablabla" and I'm like,does it really bother you ?why do you so care ?

i'm just sick and tired of those people who make fun of people's flaws. It's not polite,even if you meant it for jokes only.and if the person didn't do anything bad to you,why should you do something bad to him/her ?

I'm just
I'm like
I hate those kind of person
I'm so speechless

thank you for taking time to read this unbelievably short unimportant post
I love you to the moon and back.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Life lessons

It's amazing how in just one night i've learned many life lessons.and i want to share some of it here.i think for me i've always trying to deal with a problem in a fearless way.fearless doesn't mean I don't have any fear to deal with my means i've got a lot of fears and doubts,but still dealing with it.because you can't be fearless without having no fear.

When we're debating about something,the real right thing becomes beyond crucial because we always trying to say "no,this is right and this is wrong" we take too many times to talk about it without really thinking about what's right and what's wrong.I've always trying to accept the fact that i'm wrong,when i'm really's no an easy thing to do even though you really realize that you are wrong.maybe because of the embarrasement you'll get (i've been trying to deal with it lately) but one of my friend said "the only right one in a problem between many people is the one who can solve the problem,as long as the problem still exist,no one is right.

Always try to see problems from different prespectives,try to see the problem from your opponent's eye.this thing will take us back on how crucial the real right thing is. Because we're too busy shouting to each other that we're right we don't have time to realize which one is really right. By taking a moment to see everything with a clear mind,i'm pretty sure you can solve the problem.

Have you ever feel tired of being nice ?like when you're trying to be nice,the people around you just didn't support you and you just thought "they are not thankful for what I've done for them all this time,so why should I continue this self-torture ?" I've always had that thought in my head and tonight I realize it was a big big big ego.we should never get tired of being nice,because being nice was a great legacy to leave's okay if you failed,because that's a real proof that you are trying.

Have you ever feel the fear of being ignored by your very very best friend just because they've got girl/boyfriends ?like they've been through many stuff with you,good ones and bad ones.and then suddenly they got a girlfriend/boyfriend and you feel like"oh no,she will be too busy with her boyfriend so she won't have no time for me" these prejudice always haunt me even before anything happened. I hate this part of me. Now i'm having that "i could've but it's too late now" moment.i just wish i could turn back the time.

I think that's all,there are so many lesson for one night. i just hope you (and i) can take all of these lessons and apply it to ourselves :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Quote of The Day

"I don't want to go to a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of relationship because I'm not ready. I still need my friends because people who fall in love tends to leave their friends behind."


Sunday, October 14, 2012


it seems like the talk about love was endless and never ending, and for me that was one of many beautiful things about love. "A and B are together !" "did you hear they broke up ?" "B got another girl..." "A is cheating !" those conversations were love-based conversations. They always make our life more interesting, can you imagine life without love ?but sometimes love makes life complicated. or maybe in pararel world, life makes love look hard.I think in love there shouldn't be any rules,because that what makes love so special,there are no rules in it. It's just tumultuous,intense and crazy but also a miracle in the same way. see,this is why love-talk is never-ending because we can't really know about it until we experience it.

but love without rules is going to be this crazy,insane,toxic relationship that will end up badly. So I think there should be a few rules,you should not fall in love with someone just because you have to. see this pops out of my head because many people around me love their boyfriends or girlfriends simply because they are his/her boyfriend/girlfriend and I think that is not the right thing to do. I must confess that I am the type of person who fell in love with people easily, lucky me I always try to realize what kind of love is that. Is it because I admire this person ? Is it because this person is nice to me ? Is it because something they did in the past ? these things were so crucial until people often forget it. for me,to be in those boyfriend-girlfriend kind of relationships I must go into phases so in that way I can reassure myself what kind of love is this. Because I'd rather be single that to be with someone I kinda like,rather than I really like. these simple "rules of love" is going to make your relationship last longer.

I think love is blind,that's why people can see these things. but once again,loving without rules is going to be an exciting misadventures. even if it's ended up badly,it's a good relationship because we can take lessons from it.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Quote of The Day

“It’d be really easy to say, ‘I’m 21 now, I do what

I want. You raise your kids.’ But that’s not the 

truth of it. The truth is that every singer out 

there with songs on the radio is raising the next 

generation. So make your words count.”

-Taylor Swift


so Taylor's store got this ultimate presale package I've told you before and guess what ?my mom bought me one !!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG I'M STILL SHAKING RIGHT NOW

Monday, October 8, 2012

Losing him was blue

I am absolutely putting a high respect on L, she is indeed a very strong woman. so today was a story telling time in my school, everyone was telling horror or comedy story,and the comes L's part.
She told about his father who has passed a few years ago.She told it without a shed of tears,even though she is breaking inside and I am very proud of it,I don't know why. The best thing is she kept managing herself to be successful at school even without his father

the last word she said to her father was "my brother and I will take care of mom for you dad,I am going to be the best kid you've ever had.I'm going to make you proud" and then I shed a tear (without anyone noticing,of course) because if I was there,I won't be able to make any promises because I don't know if I can do it. I will just cry and cry and cry and maybe I will sink to this frustrating,heart-breaking feeling of sad because I know I will never see my father again. She is very strong,until now. She seems so happy with what she had, and that makes me think "I was never that happy,even with what I have" so I think I need to be more grateful to God for everything I've got. cherish every moment with everyone you love, because you never know when they will be gone from your life.

this post was dedicated to L, stay strong.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

to change or not to change

so I'm studying biology in my school about adaptation,changing. To change or not to change is always a big question for me and I think I've always in between. I don't really like changing because honestly I'm not an easy-going person,I'm introvert to a new person. And speaking of changing,I'm going to be graduated soon and that means changing,huge change.moving to a new school, a new HIGH school. new friends,new lessons,new....everything. Even when I'm writing this post I was thinking "wait...I do like changing" so that's why I'm always in between. but I think all of this confusion thing was part of growing up,you know. This is like a small stepping stones of used to make the right decisions later,I hope so.

I think I've never wanna change so much that people can't recognize me. I do wanna change to be a better person,but not the best. I love being the best but the thought of always being the best was kind of scary for me. Because if I was always the best, I won't get used to not being the best, and I'm not really good at dealing with something that makes me sad. So...let me explain this complicated thing, if I'm not used to not being the best,then I'm not the best at that moment,I can't deal with it.And usually if I can't deal with something,it will affect my mood about one or two weeks ?that's scary. so because I've always trying to prioritize just being happy,I'd rather used to not being the best and then having a moment when I'm the best which makes me happy than always being the best and then I'm not the best at that moment and I just can't deal with it.

I think being different was a blessings,but being different in blending-with-another people was the best thing that could happen to me right now,I'm doing an effort to reach it. God knows how hard I tried,and He helped me.I know He did,He makes everything easier for me lately and I wanna take a moment to just thank Him for all of that.

dear God,the only change I want now is a better's not like they're bad but I suppose they can do better.I won't ask anything for now except for that,I've got an excellent father,his strength is making me stronger.My mother is the prettiest lady in the whole wide world,and my sisters....they're better than me inside and out.I've got a pretty home and...everything.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



NO ?



oh yes,by the way I've finally changed my laptop !!!! I'm so happy !thanks mom and dad :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Hi,some things had been through my mind lately.from funny,sweet,romantic to...well,sad.from the happy stuff first !23 DAYS TO RED TO BE RELEASED YAYYYYYY !!!!!I'm so stoked !I bought the ultimate pre sale package and can't wait it to be mailed to my house !The ultimate presale package includes Red album,we are never ever getting back together single cover printed in high quality paper with Red album insert HAND SIGNED by Taylor Swift,Red album,Tumbler,wristband,and sticker.HOW COOL IS THAT.and by the way,Taylor will release 4 of her songs starting last week until the release of Red,her last released song was Begin Again,it's a song about how we found a new love after a huge breakup and I think it kinda relate to me somehow....not the found-new-love part of course,not yet.I'm still stuck know who.but then here comes some of the sad parts.she didn't talk to me like 2 days,I know it's not a long time but we are best friends before we're together,and I hope after we're not together,we're still best friends.but I guess that's just an awkward-after-breakup-situation thing,I hope so.And then,I got a little fight with my....well I guess I suppose to call him friend.but we make up shortly,but then what I feared the most came true.he didn't really forgive me (I'm not,actually.but that's not the point) and he still tease and insult me and talk about me behind my don't know why people like this exist,people who felt like they're so perfect than anybody else.but I guess we all have to get a sense of humour for a living.because with humour,things that supposed to make us sad can make us laugh too.we just have to see it in a different way.*sigh* I just wished all the best for him.

HOT GOSSIP AND CONFIRMED !!! to all students at my school,A and P are officially together yesterday !I can't believe,it's like....I didn't hear any rumors !or's just not-so-up-to-date me,heheh.long last for both of you lovebirds !you make a cute couple :) oh ! lately I've been obsessed with Cath Kidston OMG her designs are unbelievably cute !!!but of course....they're pricey so I'm still trying to figure out how to get a few extra money to buy her stuff,hehe.Ooh !and I've been obsessed with the mixed intro Taylor used at her live performance for we are never ever getting back together !it sounds fun and catchy !!!!

I guess that's all for this evening,more stories to come (finger-crossed)

Monday, September 17, 2012


so I'll make it up to you,I make this updates post so you know what's going on !

okay,so first I'm not posting that much lately because I've been so busy doing this event.remember the one that I post the flyers here ?it's finally accepted by our headmistress and the event is soooooo cool !but I guess nobody's perfect.we still got some problems like in the middle of the art performance,the electricity went down.but we got through it somehow,thanks to our friends from Paskibra and OSIS Matsanewa,thanks to Mr.Ichwan who make all of this came true.thank you to all my friends who participated,thank you thank you thank you !!

oh yeah,did I tell you I'm using contact lenses ?it is unbelievably super comfortable.I got the grey one,with no power because this is only like...........trial lenses.I'm planning to buy Acuvue with my real eye measure,don't know when friends and I who wear contact lenses will buy a shocking colors such as red (me) shocking pink,violet,etc cool (or weird) is that ! I can only imagine my friend's face when they see me wearing those lenses.

last but not least,happy birthday to my very special friend,Shifa !we held a small party with cakes and everything in our class,it was so much fun.ah,I wish I could rewind those the way,would you mind sending her birthday greetings via twitter to @shfrdh ?it would make her day !

I think that's life got a little bit boring here,sorry for no pictures.......
hope something very interesting will happen........

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Yeah,it's the new single from Taylor Swift,I'm writing this by listening to the song.and yes,it is one of the most beautiful song I have ever heard.I don't know why it kinda reminds me of never grow up.It's totally different from her last leading single,we are never ever getting back should listen and buy it,every proceeds goes through cancer charity.I don't know if this going to be on Red but if so,I love how it's not so much different from Speak Now but it also brings up new music.ah,I love her to death.this song is also shows how Taylor is humble and loving person.this song is inspired by a kid named Ronan who survived from a cancer and passed away at 3.Taylor follow his story from his motherl's blog and she writes Ronan's mother as a co-writer.Tributes to Ronan,rest in piece were my best four years.

here's the cover:

I love how the cover is so simple but the image was speaking to me

I remember your bare feet down the hallway 
I remember your little laugh 
Race cars on the kitchen floor 
Plastic dinosaurs, I love you to the moon and back 

I remember your blue eyes looking into mine like we had our own secret club 
I remember you dancing before bed time then jumping on me waking me up 
I can still feel you hold my hand 
Little man, from even that moment I knew 
You fought it hard like an army guy 
Remember I leaned in and whispered to you 

Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
You were my best four years 

I remember the drive home when the blind hope 
Turned to crying and screaming, "Why?" 
Flowers piled up in the worst way 
No one knows what to say about a beautiful boy who died 

And it's about to be Halloween 
You could be anything you wanted if you were still here 
I remember the last day when I kissed your face 
I whispered in your ear 

Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
Out of this curtained room in this hospital 
We'll just disappear 
Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
You were my best four years 

What if I'm standing in your closet trying to talk to you? 
What if I kept the hand me downs you won't grow into? 
And what if I really thought some miracle would see us through? 
But what if the miracle was even getting one moment with you 

Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
You were my best four years 

I remember your bare feet,down the hallway
I love you to the moon and back

here's Taylor debuting this song on Stand Up For Cancer

Listen to my cover on soundcloud maybe ?

we all love you Ronan

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

I'm sending this letter for you to know that I need you.I am desperately need you at every time of my life.I am very sorry that I've never really show it or make you feel that way but that's the truth.please come back,please be the old you.the new one sucks.please told stories,I will never ever get bored of it.please tease me,I'll try to laugh at it.please criticize me,I'm open-minded now.Tell me what to do,I'll do it right about those mean boys and girls,being cynical to them.laugh at their vacant stares.

Please tell me if I did something wrong,please give me advices and suggestions,save me from tragedy.please help me do my homework,I really miss those times when we did something together.please sing out loud with me,I miss your voice.please scream at me,hard.please cry with me,feel our condolence together.please just come back.I do need you.

Dear friends,
I want you back,whatever it takes is fine.

I love you like I love glitters,and that's a real deep love.


Quote of The Day

"Life is not just about to be waited. Sometimes,we must wait too"

-Aufa Rahmawati

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Weeee !


what do you think about it ?what do you think when you heard jealousy ?it's an intense feeling,you,one day you've got a perfect day and then just because a small jealousy,it doesn't have to be big,might get a big chance of ruining your day.people have their own way of dealing with jealousy,sometimes they talk to the person,sometimes they just told about their jealousy to their friends,and my way is just keep it for myself,lately I've tried to be more mature,you know.I think my role model,which is Taylor Swift has given me a new perspective of seeing problems,a new positive perspective.can I tell some of my story ?

so I've planned this hang out with my best friends that I haven't seen in a while.We decided to go to this mall that got a nice theater.I asked "have you watched Perahu Kertas ?" and surprisingly,she said she has watched it with my other friends,and I was like "what ?! so you sneak behind my back ?" but thank god I try to think before I speak,finally I said that it's okay even though it hurts,and I might be a little bit cynical after that but...that's it.I started to give up dealing with small problems like this and started to care about people who care about me too.I started to be realistic,seeing the bigger picture.

I hope I can take lessons here

we must not leave our friends alone
we must not make our friends feeling excluded
we must comfort our friends,because that's what bestfriends do

by the way,have you seen Taylor's newest video clip for We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together ?I can't find it on youtube so I can't post it here.but maybe check my tumblr ?the link is on the right side of this blog.thank you for reading my in-the-middle-of-the-night-diary.thank you for those loyal readers,I love you.