Sunday, October 14, 2012


it seems like the talk about love was endless and never ending, and for me that was one of many beautiful things about love. "A and B are together !" "did you hear they broke up ?" "B got another girl..." "A is cheating !" those conversations were love-based conversations. They always make our life more interesting, can you imagine life without love ?but sometimes love makes life complicated. or maybe in pararel world, life makes love look hard.I think in love there shouldn't be any rules,because that what makes love so special,there are no rules in it. It's just tumultuous,intense and crazy but also a miracle in the same way. see,this is why love-talk is never-ending because we can't really know about it until we experience it.

but love without rules is going to be this crazy,insane,toxic relationship that will end up badly. So I think there should be a few rules,you should not fall in love with someone just because you have to. see this pops out of my head because many people around me love their boyfriends or girlfriends simply because they are his/her boyfriend/girlfriend and I think that is not the right thing to do. I must confess that I am the type of person who fell in love with people easily, lucky me I always try to realize what kind of love is that. Is it because I admire this person ? Is it because this person is nice to me ? Is it because something they did in the past ? these things were so crucial until people often forget it. for me,to be in those boyfriend-girlfriend kind of relationships I must go into phases so in that way I can reassure myself what kind of love is this. Because I'd rather be single that to be with someone I kinda like,rather than I really like. these simple "rules of love" is going to make your relationship last longer.

I think love is blind,that's why people can see these things. but once again,loving without rules is going to be an exciting misadventures. even if it's ended up badly,it's a good relationship because we can take lessons from it.

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