Friday, October 19, 2012


everyone have flaws,like,literally everyone. Even the best person got at least one flaw,maybe he's not good at math ?maybe she can't keep a secret ?maybe he's not good in sports ? have you ever getting tired of people who make fun of your jokes ?you just want to scream "I know that already !stop pointing it out !" sometimes these flaws got everyone thinking "OMG I won't have respect on him,he's blablablabla" and I'm like,does it really bother you ?why do you so care ?

i'm just sick and tired of those people who make fun of people's flaws. It's not polite,even if you meant it for jokes only.and if the person didn't do anything bad to you,why should you do something bad to him/her ?

I'm just
I'm like
I hate those kind of person
I'm so speechless

thank you for taking time to read this unbelievably short unimportant post
I love you to the moon and back.

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