Monday, October 8, 2012

Losing him was blue

I am absolutely putting a high respect on L, she is indeed a very strong woman. so today was a story telling time in my school, everyone was telling horror or comedy story,and the comes L's part.
She told about his father who has passed a few years ago.She told it without a shed of tears,even though she is breaking inside and I am very proud of it,I don't know why. The best thing is she kept managing herself to be successful at school even without his father

the last word she said to her father was "my brother and I will take care of mom for you dad,I am going to be the best kid you've ever had.I'm going to make you proud" and then I shed a tear (without anyone noticing,of course) because if I was there,I won't be able to make any promises because I don't know if I can do it. I will just cry and cry and cry and maybe I will sink to this frustrating,heart-breaking feeling of sad because I know I will never see my father again. She is very strong,until now. She seems so happy with what she had, and that makes me think "I was never that happy,even with what I have" so I think I need to be more grateful to God for everything I've got. cherish every moment with everyone you love, because you never know when they will be gone from your life.

this post was dedicated to L, stay strong.

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