Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hi !

Hi ! it's been awhile since my last post. I wanna thank god for everything I got these past few weeks,or months. You know how I always tell stories about how....miserable I am, but I don't know, lately I've been feeling so happy, in a strange way. I'm not always laughing or what but I'm not feeling sad either, so I think we can categorize that as happy,eh ?Once again,thank you Allah for being soooooo merciful :)

Soooo for the first paragraph,here's the news : I wrote a song !!!!!! yay ! well of course I didn't write it by myself,I got a lottt of help from my best friends. But it ended up being a good song actually. You should listen to it on Soundcloud ! it's called Happy Broke Up, the inspiration was from my recent and one and only broke up ! I know I'm that pathetic, haha :D

and yesterday was Mary's 15th birthday ! well,actually it's today but we can't celebrate it today and we decided to celebrate it yesterday (yes,we're that weird) would you like to give her wishes to @maurasafina on twitter ?that would mean a lot for me and Mary ! We wanted to watch Breaking Dawn but the queue is crazy !!! It's the second day though,so that's pretty obvious. at the end,we go to this great karaoke place and sing like crazy ! we also sing We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together twice ! (yes,because this song is that good) we sing Happy Birthday for Mary although I think she didn't like it that much,haha ! but you only turned 15 once,isn't it ? ;)

I spent the rest of my saturday night going to this...well it's not that much of a restaurant but I can't think of any other word,so yes, it is a restaurant. The place is not so good,but the food is delicious and cheap ! I even ordered two plates of rice hehe

The tryouts have been started and I can't say that I've got a good score. But I hope a bad beginning comes to a beautiful ending you know. but.............MATH TRYOUTS ARE VERY HARD OMG I can't's like.....okay stop it. I already dedicated a paragraph for tryout stories and that's it.

There's this hot gossip around the...well it's not around the town, it has already spread around the world ! they said that Harry Styles from One Direction and Taylor Swift are together ! and Mario Lopez,the host from XFactor US said that he saw they're both holding hands. I think they'll make a good couple,who cares about what other people said ? people throw rocks and things that shines :)

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