Monday, September 17, 2012


so I'll make it up to you,I make this updates post so you know what's going on !

okay,so first I'm not posting that much lately because I've been so busy doing this event.remember the one that I post the flyers here ?it's finally accepted by our headmistress and the event is soooooo cool !but I guess nobody's perfect.we still got some problems like in the middle of the art performance,the electricity went down.but we got through it somehow,thanks to our friends from Paskibra and OSIS Matsanewa,thanks to Mr.Ichwan who make all of this came true.thank you to all my friends who participated,thank you thank you thank you !!

oh yeah,did I tell you I'm using contact lenses ?it is unbelievably super comfortable.I got the grey one,with no power because this is only like...........trial lenses.I'm planning to buy Acuvue with my real eye measure,don't know when friends and I who wear contact lenses will buy a shocking colors such as red (me) shocking pink,violet,etc cool (or weird) is that ! I can only imagine my friend's face when they see me wearing those lenses.

last but not least,happy birthday to my very special friend,Shifa !we held a small party with cakes and everything in our class,it was so much fun.ah,I wish I could rewind those the way,would you mind sending her birthday greetings via twitter to @shfrdh ?it would make her day !

I think that's life got a little bit boring here,sorry for no pictures.......
hope something very interesting will happen........

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