Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So,That's What Friends Are For

Hi ! I'm back againnn after a busy busy busy live of a high school student,I can finally find some time to write something on my blog again ! yay ! I'm sorry that I no longer can post stuff daily or weekly as usual,but I really try my best to take care of my blog and to provide useful content for you guys ! I really love writing after all,so I guess I will always find a way to do something that I love even in the most unfortunate time.

Do you still remember about the person whom I told a story about in one of my blog post "Anonymous" ? well,this person finally contacts me again and said that she needs a friend,she also started to tweet me as usual. Well,I couldn't be more happy.But then my bad and dark side told me not to help her because after all that she did to me,she didn't deserve it.

And then there's this one thought that pops inside my head...."hey,that's what friends are for,right ?" I mean,true friends will go to end of the earth till they find the things you need,true friends will be with you till the end.(okay,now I sound a lot like Hannah Montana) I mean,if I ever going through such a situation,I would still need support from my friends,especially the close ones,even though we're no longer meet each other frequently,or talk daily.

Alhamdulillah,Allah gave me new perspective.Seeing problems in different way,I always thought that my friends only come to me when they need me.Well I guess that's true but that doesn't mean I need to be sad about it,in fact,I should be happy about it.I feel like a candle,when their life is bright,they don't need me,but when they come to the dark side,they're looking for me,looking for my help and assistance.

Next week is the mid-semester test ! OMG !!!! time flew so fast,I hope everything is going well,for me and you,my lovely readers !

as if I have one.

oh well.

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