Sunday, September 1, 2013

Here We Go Again

Holla bloggies ! Wait,bloggies ? What bloggies ? Well,I don't exactly know what is it,but I just call my reader (if I ever have one) with cute names such as bloggies,blog people,blogger,etc etc. I'm very sorry for not updating for sooooop long. I mean,how many post do I write last month ? Happy September by the way ! I hope that in this month,everything will be better. My grades,my relationships,my feelings...ah,feelings. Here we go again. I guess if we talk about feelings,it has no end. Why is that ? Because feeling is a dynamic thing. One second you want to hug someone,and the next second you want to punch someone. I don't know if people have feelings as dynamic as that,but I feel like I did. I feel so,no,too many things at the same time. People said they rather hurt than feel nothing at all,but is that true ? if we can choose,why can't we be happy instead of hurt or feeling nothing at all ?

You know how I always write about my life,about it's imperfections,about the ips and downs. And then comes the little hiatus. That's because I feel like my life has settled down to a point where I am comfortable at. You might wonder why the title of this post is "Here We Go Again",well that's simply because that's what I feel right now. That's what I want to say out loud right now. Here we go again,all the miseries and all the pain. Yes,I feel like it's all coming back again. Now I promised myself that I don't want to go back to that place. I've escaped once,I could do it twice. But the problem is,is there anyone out there who will help me ? 

My life is a pile of mess,and I'm trying to organize it again. Putting everything one by one. Yes,I'm sure it will need a lot of work,time and energy. But I've felt happiness before,and I am willing to do anything to feel that again. Starting by.....blogging ! I will start to write outfits posts again,and that is my word you can keep. Pinky promise ! 

Thank you for everyone who commented on my posts and blogs,and thank you sooooo much for the support ! You guys mean the world to me :D 

Au revoir ! 

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