Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Unconditional Love

when I think about an unconditional love,I think of the purest form of love. Loving unconditionally means that you will love someone,or something, no matter what happens. no matter if they get fatter,or ugly,you will love them forever. unconditional love also means that we are sincerely want to do anything to make this person life better,to make them feel happy. And I think the purest form of an unconditional love can be seen from the heart,not from what we do. Yes,actions speaks louder than words. But just take a moment to think about this;a mother's love is unconditional.what if this mom is working and can't hug her kids for 24/7 ? does that mean that she doesn't love her kids ? no. Or like on a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship,do they have to hug each other all the time just to show how much they love each other ? no,plus too much romance is kinda boring to me. Something great that happens too often won't be that great anymore. That's why God gives us pain,because without pain,we can never know joy.

anyway,today my graduation photo is done !!! We took this photo at Studio 8 and it's just sooooo amazing that it makes me speechless. Too dramatic ? well,decide it for yourself. here it is !

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