Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Revelation Day

Sorry for late post but...at June 1st we got our National Exam score announcement !!! yay !! we decided to do a flashmob using a very bright and cheerful song,Wavin Flag by K'Naan.Here's a video,enjoy !
by the way,this is not our graduation.We held our graduation at June 3rd but annoyingly I forgot to bring my camera -_- so I think I'll post pictures from the Announcement Day,yay ! Did you know that one of our students,Shofiya Qurrotu A'yunin ranked as best 5 National Exam score nation-wide.So proud of her !!! I wish I was her :')

We give all of our best while we rehearsing for the flashmob,here are some pictures when we're rehearsing.so happy that they turned out that good !! and did you know that our activity drag the media attention so they're decided to put our story on nation-wide television and on the front page of the newspaper !! yay !!!



in this special occasion,we use a very metaphorical concept.before we got an envelope which contains our scores,we must carry a gift for an orphan while maintaining to keep the balloon from falling down blindfolded.symbolizing the fight we used to do to get the best National Exam score we could get.The orphan will guide us to our class advisor,symbolizing that those people we usually underestimate can also guide us to something big and something very important.so,enjoy the little things,for someday you'll realize they were big things.

AND I AM SO AMAZED BY MY HEADMISTRESS'S DRESS FOR THE OCCASION OMG IS THAT A HAUTE COUTURE BUT SDFGHJKALSJABDKSNDSKD *speechless* the dress fits her perfectly and I absolutely love the way she mix the brownish violet and tosca on her veil !!! genius.
I secretly assume that she is a fashion blogger.

this one looks like a camera advertisement.I suspect that he is a model too.hmm.....

and to those who will graduate/having these type of occasion soon,I have a little tips on what you should carry inside your satchel/purse/small bag or whatever you carry at the moment

Prada bag,Clean and Clear blotting tissue,Evian face spray,Cooler-master power bank,perfume

with these emergency kit,I'm sure you will go trough the rest of your day with an ease.cheers !!!

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