Monday, December 2, 2013


Hi blog readers ! Some of you might've wonder,what does 'sambat' means ? or 'is that even a word ?' while the fact is,it is a word.well,in javanese at least. Sambat is an activity where you keep moaning about how miserable your life is,or how you didn't get something you've always wanted.So...what ? what's so special about 'sambat' that I use it as a title ?

well,funny (but actually inspiring) story happened today.This week is my exam week so we got our classes mixed up with the sophomores.As you can see,this can be a little bit frightening since I was always a anti-social person,a freak who always freaked out whenever I have to meet someone new,and to be honest,it is true.I mean,I think about it a lot the day before the exam week starts,about how should I act and react when I meet new people,about how to deal with seniors,and stuff like that. But Alhamdulillah,things work out least for now.So back to the story,a few minutes before the exam starts,my teacher hand out the exam and the answer sheets.The senior started to...shout,to put it easily.They said "Pak soalnya kurang !" "Pak belom dapet soal !" "Paakkk soal saya manaaa" and then there's this one girl,I don't know if she was a senior or not,said "Sambat ae rek,rek." and then there's this BOOM again inside my head...

why ? ever since I overheard that sentence,I keep thinking about myself.Ya Allah...I've been so ungrateful lately,I always "sambat" about how things didn't work out the way I want it to be.I always "sambat" about my failure in doing stuff,rather than keep trying and trying and praying.

So I do hope that this experience today made me a better me.Aamin...

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