Saturday, December 7, 2013


Hola bloggies,it's december 7th and that means just a week away from my birthday.I still can't believe this is my second birthday here at my blog. I just want to say thank you,mostly to Allah and my family for always be there for me.And also for music,for Taylor Swift and for Ke$ha,and to those people whose songs I listened to in rainy days.I also want to thank my friends. I don't have many but I guess that's better than no friends at all,or even a thousand backstabber.

I also want to happily say that I got a new computer for my (early) birthday present ! thank youuuuu mom & dad :) But this time of year,first of all instead of asking for presents I want to look back and see what kind of person I am this past year. Is it good ? is it bad ? what kind of behavior should I change ? do I have any bad habits ? have I reached my goal yet?

Sadly I have to say that I have a lot to change in my personality,I haven't do anything special nor productive this past year,I also haven't reach my goal (being skinny is on of them). I honestly have nothing to do but to dramatically wipe off my tears and set a new goal and also make myself promise to always work hard in the future.Bismillah....

Anyways ! this post is also to thank my friend,Farah.For always supporting me when I'm down,and for always be happy with me when I'm on top. Thank you thank you thank you and please don't ever change :)

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