Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So,That's What Friends Are For

Hi ! I'm back againnn after a busy busy busy live of a high school student,I can finally find some time to write something on my blog again ! yay ! I'm sorry that I no longer can post stuff daily or weekly as usual,but I really try my best to take care of my blog and to provide useful content for you guys ! I really love writing after all,so I guess I will always find a way to do something that I love even in the most unfortunate time.

Do you still remember about the person whom I told a story about in one of my blog post "Anonymous" ? well,this person finally contacts me again and said that she needs a friend,she also started to tweet me as usual. Well,I couldn't be more happy.But then my bad and dark side told me not to help her because after all that she did to me,she didn't deserve it.

And then there's this one thought that pops inside my head...."hey,that's what friends are for,right ?" I mean,true friends will go to end of the earth till they find the things you need,true friends will be with you till the end.(okay,now I sound a lot like Hannah Montana) I mean,if I ever going through such a situation,I would still need support from my friends,especially the close ones,even though we're no longer meet each other frequently,or talk daily.

Alhamdulillah,Allah gave me new perspective.Seeing problems in different way,I always thought that my friends only come to me when they need me.Well I guess that's true but that doesn't mean I need to be sad about it,in fact,I should be happy about it.I feel like a candle,when their life is bright,they don't need me,but when they come to the dark side,they're looking for me,looking for my help and assistance.

Next week is the mid-semester test ! OMG !!!! time flew so fast,I hope everything is going well,for me and you,my lovely readers !

as if I have one.

oh well.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New York Fashion Week : Rebecca Minkoff

There's nothing I would really say rather than I really love Rebecca Minkoff ! I heard that she is a new designer,and for a new designer,she's so cool ! I love her antique/girly/vintage style.I even got an eye for her camera bag,but it is soooo pricey :( Her fashion show featuring Janelle Monae is filled with loose top that goes until it reach under your hips,perfect to match with hot pants to set a spring/summer trend !
So here it is ! Rebecca Minkoff for New York Fashion Week 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I guess there are many form of love,you know.It doesn't always have to be like you have to meet this person everyday,or you have to kiss and take this person out for a date everyday.I think the purest form of love is the one we really have,but we can't feel it.Like for example,my mom wake up in the early morning so I can have a decent breakfast,that seems like a simple thing.well that's what every mothers do,right ? But just imagine if my mom doesn't love me,would she sacrifice her sleep time just to make me some breakfast ? Would things feel the same without love ?

So I have this friend who has been there all of my,we go through a lot of things together.let's just give this person name "A" to keep it anonymous,shall we ? so the moment when I thought that we're unseparable;she left without even saying left,i mean leaving my world,out of my first,I thought that it was because we go to different school so we didn't see each other a lot and that things will get better sooner or later.but as the time flies,I didn't see any good sign.A only contacts me if A needs something.and then it get worse,A didn't even try to reach me.I know,I know,you might be wondering why I don't make the first move.The ugly truth is that I already text A a couple times and can you guess what A did ? A didn't text me back or even bother to give any respond.

It was very heartbreaking for me,but I guess A must've had a specific reason why.but then again,i feel like I need to know the reason,is it because of me ? Do I make A feel uncomfortable ? Am I that boring ? Or is it simply just a misunderstanding ? If so,why did A let this miscommunication leads to fall out ? Too many unanswered question that I could summon into one : Am I still one of A's friends ? Believe me,I already tried to ask that to A,and A said yes.But why do I feel like A no longer counts me as a friend ? That A treated me differently.That A makes me feel like I am the one who leave.

I think people are supposed to give their best effort on something they love.if A doesn't even bother to contact me,then does that mean I am not worth the fight ? guess it all comes back to paragraph one,that love could morph into any shape it wanted to be.Maybe A do count me as a friend,A just doesn't have time for me,yet.I guess all I can do is waiting,and waiting and...thinking.

Should I stay,or should I go ?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

New York Fashion Week : Nicholas K

My first review on the New York Fashion Week ! as you can see on the schedule,Nicholas K is the first designer who presented his work for New York Fashion Week.To be honest,I've never heard his name before.So I watched the video,but I don't know what to expect.The first like 2-3 minutes,I think I saw ABBA back there on 70's.I also love the color transition on his show,model's clothes color are gradually changing from black to grey to white and so on and so on.It makes his show feels well prepared.His Spring/Summer collection is filled with unique designs,and bat wings ! a simple color palette is dominating the collection.I love his camo-inspired color palette,feel so summer-y.And I also love his work for womenswear,it also feel so summery.Sadly,I can't post any of my favorite looks because it is a video,and I don't really have time to do a lot of editing.I haven't see any other designers video so I can't decide if this would be the next trend or not.Even though I don't think Nicholas K have anything special on his designs,I still would love some piece from this collection ! Love Love Love the jackets and the sweatshirts.The gold ankle boots would also be great for some instant here is Nicholas K for New York Fashion Week SS14

New York Fashion Week !

New York Fashion Week is here ! Yayyy !! I'm very sorry that I can't accompany you throughout the week because of the busy live of a high school student.It's supposed to be the second day of the fashion week,so here it is the official schedule from Mercedes-Benz website.

September 05

September 06

September 07

September 08

September 09

September 10

September 11

September 12

  • 10AM
  • 11AM
  • 2PM

    Haven't got time to do more google search about the fashion week,but I think you can stream it live from the website here :

    Enjoy ! And tell me what you think :D

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Here We Go Again

Holla bloggies ! Wait,bloggies ? What bloggies ? Well,I don't exactly know what is it,but I just call my reader (if I ever have one) with cute names such as bloggies,blog people,blogger,etc etc. I'm very sorry for not updating for sooooop long. I mean,how many post do I write last month ? Happy September by the way ! I hope that in this month,everything will be better. My grades,my relationships,my feelings...ah,feelings. Here we go again. I guess if we talk about feelings,it has no end. Why is that ? Because feeling is a dynamic thing. One second you want to hug someone,and the next second you want to punch someone. I don't know if people have feelings as dynamic as that,but I feel like I did. I feel so,no,too many things at the same time. People said they rather hurt than feel nothing at all,but is that true ? if we can choose,why can't we be happy instead of hurt or feeling nothing at all ?

You know how I always write about my life,about it's imperfections,about the ips and downs. And then comes the little hiatus. That's because I feel like my life has settled down to a point where I am comfortable at. You might wonder why the title of this post is "Here We Go Again",well that's simply because that's what I feel right now. That's what I want to say out loud right now. Here we go again,all the miseries and all the pain. Yes,I feel like it's all coming back again. Now I promised myself that I don't want to go back to that place. I've escaped once,I could do it twice. But the problem is,is there anyone out there who will help me ? 

My life is a pile of mess,and I'm trying to organize it again. Putting everything one by one. Yes,I'm sure it will need a lot of work,time and energy. But I've felt happiness before,and I am willing to do anything to feel that again. Starting by.....blogging ! I will start to write outfits posts again,and that is my word you can keep. Pinky promise ! 

Thank you for everyone who commented on my posts and blogs,and thank you sooooo much for the support ! You guys mean the world to me :D 

Au revoir !