Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It Feels Like One Of Those Nights !

it feels like one of those nights,we ditched the whole scene
it feels like one of those nights,we won't be sleeping
it feels like one of those nights,you look like bad news
I gotta have you,I gotta have you !
late post alert ! so last Ramadhan is my friend Riezka's birthday ! she decided to treat us for breakfast at this small restaurant named "Mie Tomcat" (no real "tomcat" involved) and have a little firework party at her house ! yay !! I am so happy that I went pass my curfew but..who cares ? (not a good example)

been trying to take beautiful firework photograph but I just can't.A proof that I am a very amateur photographer.Anyway,I'm having a good time,I feel like I am a real high school student right now ! haha :)

yay for the birthday gal

is it that tempting ? :/

I'm just that corny.

firework riot !!


  1. Nice friendship :) I wrote something about you in my blog. Hope you don't mind. But feel free to sent me an email if you think it's unacceptable.

    100% Nerd

  2. ur welcome :) Thank you for following me on GFC, I've followed you via bloglovin' though. Never mind. I'll follow you back on GFC too
