Thursday, July 25, 2013

Try To Copy Me

Wondering around the web,it's a huge place.But funny thing happened : I found a blog that copied some of my previous stuffs.I won't tell you what's the blog nor who runs it.he/she has already deleted the post though.I feel flattered because this person decided that he/she like my post so much that he/she want to "reblog" it.yet it is very annoying and irritating because I'm one of those hipster who doesn't like to be copied :-)))

Yes,this person might not be copying an award winning book or essay.But still,it is mine and I have a sense of belonging to it.Even though these are cheesy writings, I can never write the same stuff again.Because I have to feel in order to write,a nd I don't really want to feel the same way as I feel back then when I wrote these posts.To whoever having the same experience as I do, you can always report these kinds of copyrights infringement to Google.They won't respond shortly, that's for sure.But at least you did something to save your precious writings. Read more about war against plagiarism here
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