Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How To Find Romance

Conceptualizing and trying to understand things from writings and other people's experience is very very different than actually experiencing it (duh). If you are brave enough to love so deeply, darling, then you should know that it always comes with a price. A risk. It always is. You've loved so deeply you could drown. Yet you still do it for the same amount of chance of finding the lost Atlantis under the sea. The chance of finding the "you" you lost a long time ago, or the "you" you've been looking for all this time.

When did all the songs start to makes sense? It does feel like an addiction. It does feel like butterflies, or zoos (yes, a couple of them) in your stomach. It does feel like the sharp edges of broken glasses gently jabbed into you. It is painful, yet you smiled. You smiled because you think of what it could've been. You smiled but you shed tears. Paradox after paradox after paradox. Something I couldn't grasp yet. Just like you.

Curiosity killed the cat. Uncertainty kills me. It needs time, but how much? It needs space. But how much? How could one just live with that kind of blurry hopes and dreams and move on? Or do they actually struggle everyday but they're just so good at it no one had noticed?

Yes, it would be very easy to forget you.
The thing is, I don't want to.
No, not yet.
It's something a fool would do.
But what can I say?
Guess I'm a fool for you.

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