Monday, June 1, 2015

Oh Snap !

Bonsoir tout le monde !!!!

or at least it's night here when I wrote this.
It's funny how I still remember the password to my blog account since I've stopped blogging for about god knows how many months now. I have to say that it did cross my mind for a few times to update this site, and some of my friends (two, to be exact) asked whether I'm going to post something new or not. I guess it's safe to say that they liked my blog!!!!

or maybe they just need something to laugh at.
there's that possibility.

So today is June 1st and I literally don't have anything to write. I just finally have enough willpower to overcome my laziness and write something. I'm currently on my finals week right now. I feel calm....or at least I wanted to feel calm. Today's exam subject was BI and it was 22 pages of pure torture :') and my teacher used the same paragraph over and over and over again for like 10 questions. I think I had enough reading for the rest of my life.

Tomorrow is June 2nd (why am I starting my paragraphs with obvious facts ?) and it's a day off celebrating the power of Pancasila (it is the literal translation of the name of the holiday). You see, theoretically you should start your paragraph with the general idea of what that paragraph is going to say. But in my blog that's not the case and we can simply forget about that rule, or even any rule ! because that's how I write, anything that crosses my mind, I'll write it in that second.

See, the thing is sometimes I feel like my blog posts should be something educative and informative for people to like it. Or at least, entertaining. OR AT THE VERY LEAST, have correct sentences (grammatically) and punctuations. But then I rethink about why I started blogging then, I'm doing it for fun. I don't want to end up having to serve people through my posts, even though many said that if I planned the whole thing carefully, I might make some good money. I want to have fun, I want to escape my usually, habitual life and wrote things that I didn't have the courage to say. That's it. If people happen to like it, good. If people didn't like it.....well that's not good but I guess it's okay.

I also think that this whole I-forgot-why-am-I-doing-this-in-the-first-place thing also happens a lot in our life. What I can tell you from a student perspective is that I know a lot of people who are competing to get a super duper extra high quality with cherry on top grades. I know, I know, that's the spirit. But most of the times that spirit turns people into animals. I've seen my friends sabotaging each other's works, not remembering why are they studying in the first place. I'm not going to put the "holier than thou" thing here but for me, I like knowing something. I like knowing how something works. I like to know why something works. and in my ideal world where there are no social obligations to get married and have kids, and you don't have to have good grades and a diploma to get your life together, I would love to be a life-long learner. I believe there's more to the universe; even after everything we've known now.

There are some times where I considered applying for philosophy major.


Kelvin here, signing off.

P.S : Cara Delevingne I love you
P.P.S : that P.S above is an excellent example of my perfect incapability of systematic writing.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Quote of The Day

"To live is to have problems, and to overcome those problems."

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hicka Ticka

Ohhhh myyy gooooddd
School is just getting crazier than ever. The assignments,those papers,the pressure. But hey, it's 2015 and I don't want to be trapped in the same mindset as 2014. I'm gonna try to enjoy this whole ride because you will only be in high school once in a lifetime,right ?
Oh God forbid don't let me repeat that hell on earth

Anyways,it's true. It's not me exaggerating my (every) part of life. I just can't imagine how the 12th graders are feeling right now....
Oh shit I'm gonna be in the 12th grade next year
I still don't know which uni I wanna go toooooooooooooooo

By the way,do you know this site called Humans of New York ? I've been loving it for a long time now (saying this so that I don't look like I live in a cave being someone who actually just found this website) and I read a lot of inspiring stories. What I love about it is that it was mostly, if not always, only a paragraph long. How can you touch someone's heart with just a paragraph long ? I don't think I would be able to do that even with a novel. 

Or maybe it's just me who's too sensitive. I mean, in my stories that's mostly the case right ? 

Hey, this just came to my mind. Funny how I always have nothing to write about. Yet here I am typing a lot of words per minute. 
I don't even know who I'm talking to. 

I followed a lot of fashion houses on instagram and it was Men's Fashion Week a few days (or weeks) ago. I haven't had time to see all the collection but oh my god those photos on instagram makes my closet look like a dumpster (see ? Exaggeration) I did see the new Michael backpack from Louis Vuitton it made me shed a tear (another exaggeration) in a good way, and I always love anything from Hermès

It's Jour d'Hermès made by perfumer Jean Cloud Ellena. Have you ever imagined youself skipping Luna Lovegood-style in the middle of a flower garden during spring time ? Well, try to capture that on a scent and BOOM ! Jour d'Hermès. What I also like about it is that I think it suits my personality, or at least what I want my personality to be. A happy go lucky child :)

So I'm posting this from my phone and it's so annoying this blogger app don't have an autoscroll feature. Oh wow it must be a high tech thing to have your app to scroll down right google. And I also can't see how long my post actually look like on desktop version so...
Fingrecrossed it's long enough
And if you thought I was only babbling pointless stories on this post
I did. 

With so much love and equal hatred

Klaflìn Lachowski
(How ironic)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

2015 ?


I thought this was supposed to be a routine kind of thing -_-
oh well you know me and all my teenage hormones

2015....time flew so fast. I feel like I can't even imagine a year called 2015,don't know exactly why. I just thought that this is not supposed to be here right now. Time flew so fast,too fast that it is getting scary. Now I have to be honest with you, I don't have anything particular to write tonight. I just feel like I need to write something on my blog...thanks to kak Jasmine who encouraged me to start writing again by saying a few nice words about my writings hahaha.

Hmm, I guess I'll just write what I have been up to lately.
Time can change everything, the way we think about something, the way we feel about something, the way we respond to something, you get the idea. These past few months....I think my priorities and dreams have been shifted. Does this mean I'm not as focused and determined as I thought I was ? I don't know..I guess it's normal at this age but does this mean I keep making excuses ?????????

I think too much

My parents,especially my mom have always wanted be to be a doctor. I do want to be a doctor too, I mean, who wouldn't ? but getting into med school is hard, let alone "surviving" in it. Many people said that being a doctor is a life-long learner. It's a never ending journey because humans are such a complicated being. Beautiful, yet complicated. I myself find some excitement in finding out why our body work in such ways. It makes me remember how great and powerful Allah is. Also, being a doctor means you are an "extension" of God's hand. You are one of his ways of healing amazing is that.

I used to think like "omg being a doctor would be soooo cool" but now that I have read some articles about what being a doctor actually feels like, and also a few articles about doctor's ethic, I think I have a clearer image of what being a doctor actually is. I used to be drawn into the excitement of saying "yes, I'm a med school student" but now I feel like it would be such a pleasure and a huge honour to be able to heal people.

Does this mean I'm giving up my dreams of going to Parsons ?
I don't know..I don't think I can answer that right now. A big part of me still want that American dream. Moving to New York, doing what I love and get paid for it. But the almost-as-big part of me also want to be a doctor..maybe stay in Indonesia for a few months before I move to New York ?

You might think "What's up with you and New York ?" I don't a child I've always wanted to visit America. New York, in particular. I love every piece of it, I could write another essay about why I love New York so I guess I'd better not write about it here hehe.

To be honest, being a doctor seems to be a more achievable dream than going to Parsons. but I thought if your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough, right ?