Monday, June 1, 2015

Oh Snap !

Bonsoir tout le monde !!!!

or at least it's night here when I wrote this.
It's funny how I still remember the password to my blog account since I've stopped blogging for about god knows how many months now. I have to say that it did cross my mind for a few times to update this site, and some of my friends (two, to be exact) asked whether I'm going to post something new or not. I guess it's safe to say that they liked my blog!!!!

or maybe they just need something to laugh at.
there's that possibility.

So today is June 1st and I literally don't have anything to write. I just finally have enough willpower to overcome my laziness and write something. I'm currently on my finals week right now. I feel calm....or at least I wanted to feel calm. Today's exam subject was BI and it was 22 pages of pure torture :') and my teacher used the same paragraph over and over and over again for like 10 questions. I think I had enough reading for the rest of my life.

Tomorrow is June 2nd (why am I starting my paragraphs with obvious facts ?) and it's a day off celebrating the power of Pancasila (it is the literal translation of the name of the holiday). You see, theoretically you should start your paragraph with the general idea of what that paragraph is going to say. But in my blog that's not the case and we can simply forget about that rule, or even any rule ! because that's how I write, anything that crosses my mind, I'll write it in that second.

See, the thing is sometimes I feel like my blog posts should be something educative and informative for people to like it. Or at least, entertaining. OR AT THE VERY LEAST, have correct sentences (grammatically) and punctuations. But then I rethink about why I started blogging then, I'm doing it for fun. I don't want to end up having to serve people through my posts, even though many said that if I planned the whole thing carefully, I might make some good money. I want to have fun, I want to escape my usually, habitual life and wrote things that I didn't have the courage to say. That's it. If people happen to like it, good. If people didn't like it.....well that's not good but I guess it's okay.

I also think that this whole I-forgot-why-am-I-doing-this-in-the-first-place thing also happens a lot in our life. What I can tell you from a student perspective is that I know a lot of people who are competing to get a super duper extra high quality with cherry on top grades. I know, I know, that's the spirit. But most of the times that spirit turns people into animals. I've seen my friends sabotaging each other's works, not remembering why are they studying in the first place. I'm not going to put the "holier than thou" thing here but for me, I like knowing something. I like knowing how something works. I like to know why something works. and in my ideal world where there are no social obligations to get married and have kids, and you don't have to have good grades and a diploma to get your life together, I would love to be a life-long learner. I believe there's more to the universe; even after everything we've known now.

There are some times where I considered applying for philosophy major.


Kelvin here, signing off.

P.S : Cara Delevingne I love you
P.P.S : that P.S above is an excellent example of my perfect incapability of systematic writing.

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