Saturday, September 29, 2012


Hi,some things had been through my mind lately.from funny,sweet,romantic to...well,sad.from the happy stuff first !23 DAYS TO RED TO BE RELEASED YAYYYYYY !!!!!I'm so stoked !I bought the ultimate pre sale package and can't wait it to be mailed to my house !The ultimate presale package includes Red album,we are never ever getting back together single cover printed in high quality paper with Red album insert HAND SIGNED by Taylor Swift,Red album,Tumbler,wristband,and sticker.HOW COOL IS THAT.and by the way,Taylor will release 4 of her songs starting last week until the release of Red,her last released song was Begin Again,it's a song about how we found a new love after a huge breakup and I think it kinda relate to me somehow....not the found-new-love part of course,not yet.I'm still stuck know who.but then here comes some of the sad parts.she didn't talk to me like 2 days,I know it's not a long time but we are best friends before we're together,and I hope after we're not together,we're still best friends.but I guess that's just an awkward-after-breakup-situation thing,I hope so.And then,I got a little fight with my....well I guess I suppose to call him friend.but we make up shortly,but then what I feared the most came true.he didn't really forgive me (I'm not,actually.but that's not the point) and he still tease and insult me and talk about me behind my don't know why people like this exist,people who felt like they're so perfect than anybody else.but I guess we all have to get a sense of humour for a living.because with humour,things that supposed to make us sad can make us laugh too.we just have to see it in a different way.*sigh* I just wished all the best for him.

HOT GOSSIP AND CONFIRMED !!! to all students at my school,A and P are officially together yesterday !I can't believe,it's like....I didn't hear any rumors !or's just not-so-up-to-date me,heheh.long last for both of you lovebirds !you make a cute couple :) oh ! lately I've been obsessed with Cath Kidston OMG her designs are unbelievably cute !!!but of course....they're pricey so I'm still trying to figure out how to get a few extra money to buy her stuff,hehe.Ooh !and I've been obsessed with the mixed intro Taylor used at her live performance for we are never ever getting back together !it sounds fun and catchy !!!!

I guess that's all for this evening,more stories to come (finger-crossed)

Monday, September 17, 2012


so I'll make it up to you,I make this updates post so you know what's going on !

okay,so first I'm not posting that much lately because I've been so busy doing this event.remember the one that I post the flyers here ?it's finally accepted by our headmistress and the event is soooooo cool !but I guess nobody's perfect.we still got some problems like in the middle of the art performance,the electricity went down.but we got through it somehow,thanks to our friends from Paskibra and OSIS Matsanewa,thanks to Mr.Ichwan who make all of this came true.thank you to all my friends who participated,thank you thank you thank you !!

oh yeah,did I tell you I'm using contact lenses ?it is unbelievably super comfortable.I got the grey one,with no power because this is only like...........trial lenses.I'm planning to buy Acuvue with my real eye measure,don't know when friends and I who wear contact lenses will buy a shocking colors such as red (me) shocking pink,violet,etc cool (or weird) is that ! I can only imagine my friend's face when they see me wearing those lenses.

last but not least,happy birthday to my very special friend,Shifa !we held a small party with cakes and everything in our class,it was so much fun.ah,I wish I could rewind those the way,would you mind sending her birthday greetings via twitter to @shfrdh ?it would make her day !

I think that's life got a little bit boring here,sorry for no pictures.......
hope something very interesting will happen........

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Yeah,it's the new single from Taylor Swift,I'm writing this by listening to the song.and yes,it is one of the most beautiful song I have ever heard.I don't know why it kinda reminds me of never grow up.It's totally different from her last leading single,we are never ever getting back should listen and buy it,every proceeds goes through cancer charity.I don't know if this going to be on Red but if so,I love how it's not so much different from Speak Now but it also brings up new music.ah,I love her to death.this song is also shows how Taylor is humble and loving person.this song is inspired by a kid named Ronan who survived from a cancer and passed away at 3.Taylor follow his story from his motherl's blog and she writes Ronan's mother as a co-writer.Tributes to Ronan,rest in piece were my best four years.

here's the cover:

I love how the cover is so simple but the image was speaking to me

I remember your bare feet down the hallway 
I remember your little laugh 
Race cars on the kitchen floor 
Plastic dinosaurs, I love you to the moon and back 

I remember your blue eyes looking into mine like we had our own secret club 
I remember you dancing before bed time then jumping on me waking me up 
I can still feel you hold my hand 
Little man, from even that moment I knew 
You fought it hard like an army guy 
Remember I leaned in and whispered to you 

Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
You were my best four years 

I remember the drive home when the blind hope 
Turned to crying and screaming, "Why?" 
Flowers piled up in the worst way 
No one knows what to say about a beautiful boy who died 

And it's about to be Halloween 
You could be anything you wanted if you were still here 
I remember the last day when I kissed your face 
I whispered in your ear 

Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
Out of this curtained room in this hospital 
We'll just disappear 
Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
You were my best four years 

What if I'm standing in your closet trying to talk to you? 
What if I kept the hand me downs you won't grow into? 
And what if I really thought some miracle would see us through? 
But what if the miracle was even getting one moment with you 

Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
Come on baby with me 
We're gonna fly away from here 
You were my best four years 

I remember your bare feet,down the hallway
I love you to the moon and back

here's Taylor debuting this song on Stand Up For Cancer

Listen to my cover on soundcloud maybe ?

we all love you Ronan

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

I'm sending this letter for you to know that I need you.I am desperately need you at every time of my life.I am very sorry that I've never really show it or make you feel that way but that's the truth.please come back,please be the old you.the new one sucks.please told stories,I will never ever get bored of it.please tease me,I'll try to laugh at it.please criticize me,I'm open-minded now.Tell me what to do,I'll do it right about those mean boys and girls,being cynical to them.laugh at their vacant stares.

Please tell me if I did something wrong,please give me advices and suggestions,save me from tragedy.please help me do my homework,I really miss those times when we did something together.please sing out loud with me,I miss your voice.please scream at me,hard.please cry with me,feel our condolence together.please just come back.I do need you.

Dear friends,
I want you back,whatever it takes is fine.

I love you like I love glitters,and that's a real deep love.


Quote of The Day

"Life is not just about to be waited. Sometimes,we must wait too"

-Aufa Rahmawati

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Weeee !


what do you think about it ?what do you think when you heard jealousy ?it's an intense feeling,you,one day you've got a perfect day and then just because a small jealousy,it doesn't have to be big,might get a big chance of ruining your day.people have their own way of dealing with jealousy,sometimes they talk to the person,sometimes they just told about their jealousy to their friends,and my way is just keep it for myself,lately I've tried to be more mature,you know.I think my role model,which is Taylor Swift has given me a new perspective of seeing problems,a new positive perspective.can I tell some of my story ?

so I've planned this hang out with my best friends that I haven't seen in a while.We decided to go to this mall that got a nice theater.I asked "have you watched Perahu Kertas ?" and surprisingly,she said she has watched it with my other friends,and I was like "what ?! so you sneak behind my back ?" but thank god I try to think before I speak,finally I said that it's okay even though it hurts,and I might be a little bit cynical after that but...that's it.I started to give up dealing with small problems like this and started to care about people who care about me too.I started to be realistic,seeing the bigger picture.

I hope I can take lessons here

we must not leave our friends alone
we must not make our friends feeling excluded
we must comfort our friends,because that's what bestfriends do

by the way,have you seen Taylor's newest video clip for We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together ?I can't find it on youtube so I can't post it here.but maybe check my tumblr ?the link is on the right side of this blog.thank you for reading my in-the-middle-of-the-night-diary.thank you for those loyal readers,I love you.