Thursday, July 20, 2017

Photo Journal : The Playground and The Tennis Court

Find myself getting more interested in portrait photography more than ever! The art of capturing someone's essence in a single photo is very addictive (not saying that I am a pro. Heck, I'm not even sure if I have ever done that before.) I was very lucky because one of my senior back at high school and volunteering days was kind enough to let me take pictures of her! Her name is Dwike and I always admire her passion in community service and social work. She is also very energetic almost every time I meet her (don't know how she manages to do that.) She's just an all around fun girl to be with~

So I guess what better way to show that than a photoshoot at a playground? And that's exactly what we did! (though later we also took a few shots at the tennis court nearby.) As usual, constructive criticism is very welcomed! :)


HAHAHA. you know, being a (self-proclaimed) photographer, you don't always get your picture taken a lot. It's usually the other way. And I guess the sun and the light are very beautiful that I just need to have at least one picture 😛

Anyway, this is not all of the picture we have taken. I figure that it would be very weird to have one super long post full of pictures so do wait for part 2! (also still trying to figure out how to make picture slideshows for the blog.)

After the photoshoot, we had a very late lunch at Noodle Inc. It was v good :) (partly because I didn't pay for it. But I promise I'll pay you back ASAP Mbak Ke!!)

See you on the next post!

Kelvin here,

Signing off.

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