Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Lately things haven't been going on the way I thought it would be. Lately I think too much,lately things haven't been that nice for me. And lately I feel so sad and hurt but I don't know why. I can't find any source of happiness,I am usually happy when I'm with my friends,or when i'm playing guitar,or simpy just listen to music or watch my favorite movie (they're all drama,which always ends up with me and a box of tissue but it still makes me happy)

Am I being this hard-to-please bitch that I always hate ? Am I turning into this sensitive person I usually avoid ? "Beautiful soul" that's what Ed Sheeran says about Taylor. I wonder,is there any possible way to be that "Beautiful Soul" ? To be really honest,I don't want to be that bitch I usually use to describe me. I just want to be a regular person who have this happy life without being too much. But I always thought "people are so annoying !" While the question is,are these people so annoying or do I find myself being too sensitive ?

One,Dwitasari tweeted a quote for sagittarians (note : dwitasari owns a very popular quotes account on twitter @dwitasaridwita) "are you tired of chasing perfections ? Humans are not perfect,deal with it" I'm very aware that I'm not perfect,nor near perfect. And I don't have that perfect life. But my sister said I am a perfectionist because I like to do things on my own. The thing is,when you do things on your own and you succeed,the credit is all yours. And when it's not succeed,you take the blame. And I think it's better that way rather than waiting people to do things for you and when the result doesn't fulfill your expectations,you're mad at everyone and that is actually a waste of energy and time. 

I really don't know what I have to do. 
Please help me ya Allah :-( 
If you do know,comments please ?

Hardware jacket and jeans

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