Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy Eid Mubarak !

Hiii !!! I'm posting this blogpost from Bandung,West Java.Happy Eid Mubarak to whoever celebrates it !please forgive all my words and doings that I've been said or done that maybe innapropriate,may Allah bless us always.sadly,I can't pray here because we're just too tired.we arrived at 3.30 a.m in the morning and we got overslept until 9 p.m. We stayed at Santika hotel (which is a great hotel btw) and we got this amazing hospitality until we didn't feel like we're celebrating Eid Mubarak on other city.This is our first day here and I've visited the Trans Studio Mall,which is heaven on earth !Salvatore Ferragamo,Tommy Hilfiger,Boss,Mango,you name it !
I bought a cute t-shirt that looks like the one that Taylor use when she performs Long Live above the bus in L.A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (too much exclamation mark ?I can't be more excited than this) tomorrow we will go to Trans Studio (which I think is the remake of Universal Studio ?)and play harddddd !can't wait !we will absolutely take pictures there !meanwhile,here is our first picture inside our room while our parents were gone,heheheh

Btw,did you guys hear Taylor's new boyfriend is Conor Kennedy ?what do you think ?comments !

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