Monday, August 6, 2012


T-Shirt Planet Surf,so last year.
NEW HAIRCUTS EVERYBODY !I decided to cut it very short,without knowing that it'll make me look fatter.oh god.

and lately I've been obsessed with vintage movies !the scenes are usually romantic,Greta Garbo and Better Davis rocks !

I watch 'The Artist' today which is the remake of silent movies. I don't really know the story because first of all it's silent,and I fell asleep in the middle of the movie,then I decided to turn off the DVD and go sleep for the gods sake,hehhee.

Another great news !just received the text from Riots Barbie which is the coolest online shop by Sonia Eryka and they said that my vintage glass is here !!!! They said they'll send it tomorrow and it's supposed to arrive in 3-5 days.can't wait ! I'm absolutely gonna post some pics with it as soon as it comes.

vintage glass by Riots Barbie

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