Friday, July 27, 2012


something's so trending on twitter yesterday,there's (sadly) another bullying case again,in a senior high school in jakarta.the victim was kidnapped from 7 a.m to 10 p.m,he was forced to smoke and beaten up by 8 of his seniors.her mother got a twitter @shintwitt and reporting that his son named Ary doesn't want to go to school anymore nor moving to another senior high school.

ironically,students from that high school keep saying that it's just a rumor and @shintwitt was only spreading it to disfigure the school,I mean like,how come they can say that when there's a living evidence of their action.there's so many celebrities,including @SoniaEryka (!!) and @radityadika who disagree with this statement,infact,Dika mentioned one of the students and they're just replying it with bad words ! (another proof).I wanted to tell you some of my stories about bullying,I think I'm one of the victims of this phenomenon.some kid in my school keep pointing out my flaws,they saying this stuffs behind my back,and sometimes they humiliate me in front of many people,but I'll manage to go trough it somehow.what I'm afraid of the most is senior high school,people said that it's the most exciting moments of your life,but I think it could be one of those nightmares.but I hope it all will be just fine.

I'm just hoping the best for the victim,and for those mean seniors,juniors are here for you to teach 'em.not to bully them.for those who feels "manly" for bullying,please go check yourself.If you're a real men,you don't need a proof.

“Some people won't be happy until they've pushed you to the ground. What you have to do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day. Hold on to your power and never give it away.” 
Donna Schoenrock

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