Saturday, July 21, 2012


Hola,my name is Kelvin.I'm 14 yrs old for now,you might see some of my blogs around the internet but that's because I'm always making a new one instead of editing the old one (which is easier).but now I hope I can continuously use this blog (I'm praying).I think for my very first post I will tell more about myself.I like cookies,especially baked goods at christmas,I don't know why but for me,christmas sounds magical. I like glitter and things that smells like winter,I love snowflakes and their shapes.

My favorite color is green,because it's fresh,natural,and relaxing (it does sounds like a commercial,sorry) and I love fashion too !Paris is my favorite city in this whole wide world,I love Eiffel tower and french foods,I hope I could learn France someday. the tricky thing you need to know about me is that I have my very own way to show that I love someone.For example when you did something for me and I'm not saying thank you, it doesn't mean I'm not thankful.I know that's weird but I think it's just me.

oh yeah,I think my future blogposts will be my journal and everything that I liked.did I mentioned that I love Taylor Swift? she's like the best person ever !she's nice,and...uhm....I think that's all.I can't really describe her,but she is my role model.I love Sonia Eryka and Diana Rikasari !they both are my inspiration,and I hope I'll be a great blogger like them.

God,how I wish I had my very own kitchen,with those fancy home know,when most teenagers window shops at the Game Shop,I tend to window shop at furnishings and hardware stores.did I mentioned I love vintage styles ?I hope my cabinet would be a handmade-carved ebony because that would be so cool.I'd love to have my very own oven and mixer,food processor (for macaroons) and maybe toaster !I won't mind having my very own espresso maker though,because I'm a caffeine kisser.too bad they don't have Starbucks here in my hometown,and I would like to attach my ideal kitchen right here : 

who knows,one day I might have one of those fancy kitchen.
why am I talking about kitchens on my first blog post ?
no one really knows why,I'm that weird.

I think that's all from me,thank you for those who spend 3 minutes reading this blogpost,because this is ridiculously long,unimportant and random.I love you like a love song,and that's real love.

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