Sunday, January 13, 2013


I somehow hate and love secrets (I don't really know how that could happen). But I guess if a secret can broke a relationship,then I wish I don't know the secret. Secrets from other people also means that people trust you. Then what do you feel when you know someone who you trust, and you think they trust you,and one day you figure out that they've got a big secret that they kept for a long time for a silly reason ? Especially if this secret got anything to do with you personal life. You could've just tell me. I wanna scream it out loud,but I couldn't.

I hope everyone just knew what I felt without me to have to confront it. I want to say what I thought but at the same time, I don't want to be in someone's way on finding true love. I don't know,maybe people just keep secrets for some reason. Maybe our loved ones kept those secrets for our own safety,let's just hope for the best.

Good Night.

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